
Angebot 5 von 140 vom 17.10.2024, 09:55


MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme

Wir sind ein international ausgerichtetes Forschungsinstitut und widmen uns der Grundlagenforschung im Bereich der theoretischen Physik.

Distinguished PKS Postdoctoral Fellow


Working field:

The successful candidate will complement research areas pursued at the institute and conduct independent studies e.g. in the following theoretical research fields: Ultracold gases and Rydberg physics, attosecond and ultrafast X-ray physics, quantum optics, correlated electrons, magnetism and spintronics, quantum many-body dynamics and information theory, statistical physics and condensed matter theory, nonlinear dynamics, and non-equilibrium physics, biological physics of cells and tissues, quantitative biology, and physics of life. Novel directions with promising perspectives are also welcome.


Successful candidates are expected to have at least one year of postdoctoral experience at an institution other than the one at which their PhD was awarded. Applications for this fellowship directly after completion of the PhD might be considered in exceptional cases.

How to apply:

To apply for the position, please fill the online application form
and upload your application package (cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests and research proposal as well as the three most relevant publications) in one PDF file. Please also arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted via