With cutting-edge research in the fields of ENERGY, HEALTH and MATTER, around 1,500 employees from more than 70 nations at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) are committed to mastering the great challenges facing society today.
The Institute for Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research is dedicated to the study of materials and their nanostructures that can be considered for future applications in information technology and are based on electrical, magnetic or optical functionalities.
The Department of Nanoelectronics is looking for a PhD Student (f/m/d) Cotutelle PhD position in physics of 2D materials.
The PhD study will be pursued within the framework of a cotutelle program between the Technical University of Dresden and Charles University in Prague. The successful applicant will join the teams of Dr. Otakar Frank at the J.Heyrovsky Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czechia, and Prof. Artur Erbe at the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany. Alternating 1-year contracts at each institution (4 in total) are envisaged. The applicant will have to apply and be admitted to post-graduate study programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, and TU Dresden.
The PhD student should work on the physics of nanoribbons from 2D materials: Investigate the effects of mechanical deformation on the structural, electrical, and optoelectronic properties of nanoribbons prepared from 2D materials, mainly graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. Our teams are part of a larger collaboration, focusing on various aspects of 2D and other nanomaterials and sharing cutting-edge equipment and facilities.
We look forward to receiving your application documents (including cover letter, CV, diplomas/transcripts, etc.), which you can submit via our online-applicationsystem: https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pNid=490&pLang=en&pOid=74417
ID: 192610