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IFW Dresden - The Institute of Materials Chemistry (working group “Nanostructured Thin Film Materials”)

The Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden e. V. (IFW Dresden) conducts modern materials research on a scientific basis for the development of new and sustainable materials and technologies. The institute employs an average of 500 people from over 40 nations and, in addition to its scientific tasks, is dedicated to promoting young scientists and engineers. Further information at:

Student and Scientific Assistants
(SHK/WHK) in the field of Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering and Material Science


The Institute of Materials Chemistry (working group “Nanostructured Thin Film Materials”) at Leibniz-IFW Dresden offers the possibility of two positions

Working field:

  • Metal organic synthesis of atomic layer deposition (ALD) / metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) precursors and their property investigation (chemical composition, crystal structure, sublimation temperature, decomposition behavior, ...)

  • Film deposition on substrates and wafers with self-made precursors (on self-built, specially designed reactors or state-of-the-art semiconductor production equipment in the institute's own clean room)

  • Characterization of the layers using various chemical and physical techniques (layer thick-ness, structuring and homogeneity, crystallinity, morphology, ...)


Do you enjoy such interdisciplinary work in an international environment?
Do you have a background in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, or similar?
Would you like to gain practical experience with methods that are also relevant in, e. g. the
semiconductor industry?
Are you thinking about writing a thesis after your SHK/WHK job?
Do you have any questions or want more information?
Get in touch with us!

What we offer:

Please address your questions to:
Frau Prof. Anjana Devi, E-Mail:

How to apply:

If you are interested in the position, send your application including a CV, a motivation letter describing the research career goals, skills and experience and copies of all certificates citing the reference number 027-25-3500 online as a single pdf-file to: